Rapid Oil Formation

Posted on Nov 13, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

We are told it takes vast amounts of time to form oil. However, oil can be produced today from garbage within a few hours. Naturally formed young oil has also been discovered coming out of undersea volcanic vents (1 mile deep) in the Guyamas Basin between mainland Mexico and Baja California. This young oil baffled researchers but showed oil can form rapidly. It is either being produced quickly as organic material circulates through and is naturally refined into oil within...

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Ida Is In Trouble!

Posted on Oct 22, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“Ida” is in trouble! In May’s edition of T&B, I wrote about the fossil discovery, “Ida” which was touted to be your ancestor in one of the biggest media blitzes ever. Museum unveilings, magazine publications, and even a 2 hour TV Documentary regarding “Ida,” stated she was just what Charles Darwin would have hoped for to support his theory of evolution. One promoter of the fossil said this one will be in the textbooks for at...

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