Dino Puberty Blues – Excerpt

Posted on Aug 19, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Nanotyrannus was a bit like a Tyrannosaurus rex, except it had 17 teeth in its lower jaw, while a T. rex had 12 lower jaw teeth and a less elongated skull. However, now it seems that Nanotyrannus should never have been identified as a separate species at all. Leading dinosaur paleontologist Dr Jack Horner of Montana State University says that Nanotyrannus was in fact a juvenile T. rex, whose skull changed dramatically as it matured. The transition to adulthood also...

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Chinese Writing Tells of Genesis

Posted on Aug 5, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Did you know that many ancient Chinese words have their roots in Genesis? These ancient words are made up of pictures. For example, the word for tempter is made up of pictures representing a garden, a serpent, and a woman. Amazingly, the word for boat is 8 mouths in a vessel. This reminds us of accounts of Adam and Eve’s fall and the 8 individuals who survived the flood of Noah’s days. Their culture had a creation base, but, sadly it was lost to religious...

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Tropical Oasis

Posted on Jul 22, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

A short distance outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming is a small town of Kelly. Approximately a mile away, following the road to Slide Lake, is a small pond. At first glance, it appears to be just an ordinary pond with weed covered edges. However, closer inspection reveals something quite out of the ordinary. Many pockets of bubbles arise throughout one end of the pond. Stick your little toe into the water and you discover the water is warm. Warm water is flowing out of the...

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Fly Genome Puzzles Evolutionary Scientists

Posted on Jul 6, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Psalm 119:73 “Your hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.” Genes carry the biological information to make specific living things. Evolution says that simpler living things evolved first and more complex life evolved later. This would lead us to believe that more complex living things would have developed more genes. The creation approach suggests that each creature was designed with the genetic material...

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Stone Age Artifacts in Iron Age Tombs

Posted on Jun 17, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Archaeologists are puzzled by what has recently been found. Stone age artifacts have been found in Iron Age tombs. This is a conundrum for an evolutionary worldview, but how about a creationist worldview. Check out a recent interview with Frank Sherwin of the Institute for Creation Research on Issues, Etc. Listen to the Interview on the Issues, Etc. website at: http://issuesetc.org/2010/06/16/5580/ From the Archives of the Issues, Etc. website: http://issuesetc.org/ Take a...

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Dragon Fossil?

Posted on Jun 10, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Dracorex – The dinosaur that looks like a dragon For many years creationists have been making connections between dinosaurs and dragons. However, dragons are often portrayed as having fanciful features like wings, bizarre horns and claws, and the ability to breathe fire. Enter the Dragon Say hello to Dracorex hogwartsia. It’s more eye-catching than most dinosaurs because it’s what most people imagine dragons looking like. Yet this is a real animal! The nearly complete...

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Shakeups Continue Among Human Evolutionary Candidates

Posted on Jun 3, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

The theory of human evolution is taking yet another hit from recent scientific studies, from the first analysis of the Neandertal genome to painstakingly reconstructed Ardipithicus ramidus and Australopithecus sediba remains. The profusion of evolutionarily bias in media reports, however, can make it tricky to uncover the real evidence. What can science actually reveal about each of these and other specimens, as either candidates for human ancestry or as uniquely designed...

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There is No Genetic Code for the Human Soul

Posted on May 27, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” James 2:26 The $250 million Human Genome Project is attempting to map all the human genes. Some observers have been saying that the human genome project will define what it means to be human. Such talk, however, is based on evolution. We are not the sum of our DNA. It is well known, for example, that two people can inherit the same weakness for alcohol. One may become an...

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River Deltas and the Age of the Earth

Posted on May 6, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

If the world is millions or billions of years old as evolutionists claim, river deltas should extend hundreds of times farther out into the ocean than they do. If earth were created around 6000 years ago as the Bible leads us to believe, deltas should be more or less the length we find them now. So what can those who insist on believing in millions of years claim if they look at a map and see that the longest deltas at the mouths of the worlds large rivers only extend...

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Noah’s Ark Has Been Found?

Posted on Apr 29, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Did you hear about the recent claim that Noah’s ark has been found?           ( http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/27/noahs-ark-found-turkey-ararat/?test=latestnews ) Within 24 hours of the original news report, another report indicated that it is a hoax. ( http://doctor.claudemariottini.com/2010/04/inside-noahs-ark-hoax.html ) Which one is reliable?  We are not sure, yet, but are still waiting for more dust to settle before making a determination. While most Christians...

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