The Moon: Critical to Life on Earth

Posted on Mar 31, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

In 1991 some scientists advocated blowing up the moon. According to Don DeYoung and John Whitcomb, in Our Created Moon, this idea originated  with American math professor Alexander Abian. He believed that the destruction of the moon would eliminate severe climates and ultimately end world hunger. However, the situation is quite the opposite. DeYoung and Whitcomb say that without the moon, the earth’s axis would swing erratically due to the gravitational pull from other...

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The Nature of Instinct

Posted on Jan 13, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Suppose a group of scientists were walking along the beach, and they ran across a message written in the sand.  Suppose, in addition, these same scientists praised the grains of sand for their ability to organize themselves in this way.  Obviously, we would say they were crazy.  Yet, the same scientists can say that the unique design of animals, including their instinctive behavior, somehow came about by random processes and, ironically, most of society accepts it. In...

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Where did all that water go?

Posted on Dec 30, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

There are two questions that are frequently asked regarding the Flood.  The first one is, “If there really was a global flood, where did all that water go?  The second is, “How could there be a worldwide flood?  We do not have enough water to cover the whole earth above the tallest mountains. These arguments sound good on the surface until one dives a bit deeper.  The answer to this question is amazingly simple yet well-known (and even Christian) scholars have never thought...

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The Star of Bethlehem – My Perspective

Posted on Dec 23, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Our study of the Star of Bethlehem begins with the wise men coming to Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1).  The wise men came from the East, so I am assuming they are either from Persia or the Babylonian area.  In Matthew 2:2, the wise men inquire concerning the whereabouts of the King of the Jews, because they saw His star the night Jesus was born.  Why were they looking for a star?   I believe they were looking because of the prophecy made by Balaam in Numbers 24:17, 19a, about the...

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The Miracle of the Incarnation

Posted on Dec 16, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

One of the greatest doctrines, and greatest mysteries, of the Christian faith is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, in which our holy, transcendent Creator took on human flesh and became man.  Scripture clearly teaches this truth, and we accept it by faith, yet those of us with inquiring minds still have many questions. Henry Morris, in his book, Biblical Creationism, discusses some of these questions at length. The following ideas are condensations of his suggestions.  While...

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What is a Day?

Posted on Nov 20, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

How long is a day? Now this might seem like a silly question; however, some people believe the days of Creation that we read about in the book of Genesis in the Bible are long periods of time, not real, ordinary, 24 hour days. Believing that the millions of years that evolution teaches are true, they try to change how long a day of the Bible is to fit with these long ages. Some think the Bible teaches that each day of Creation can be a thousand years  …“But, beloved, be not...

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Theistic Evolution – Death Before Sin

Posted on Oct 28, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Many Christians compromise with modern science by adopting Theistic Evolution – that God used millions of years of evolution as His method of creating. Besides the obvious fact that God said He created it, a huge theological problem exists.  According to Theistic Evolution, we have death before sin. In fact, millions of years of death preceded and produced Adam. However, the Bible says death came into the creation as the result of Adam & Eve’s sin. These are...

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Ice Age and the Flood

Posted on Oct 14, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

To explain the Ice Age, think Flood. Post-flood oceans were likely quite warm, due largely to undersea vulcanism. Warm, moist air masses from these hot oceans dumped massive precipitation over the emerging cooler continents. Near the colder center of the continents and in the higher altitudes, tremendous amounts of snow would have accumulated leading to the Ice Age. The oceans finally cooled allowing the ice to recede. According to meteorologist, Michael Oard, in his books,...

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Survival of the Fittest?

Posted on Sep 14, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 2 comments

Natural Selection, or “survival of the fittest,” is the mechanism which is usually proposed to drive evolution. It seems obvious that those organisms, which are more “fit” in a particular environment or under particular conditions, will be those that survive. However, by itself, natural selection has no power to “create” anything. At best, all it can do is “choose” between organisms that already exist. Thus, it has no power to explain the origin of a new trait. Furthermore,...

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Evolution and Humanism

Posted on Sep 3, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Humanism is a world religion based in atheistic naturalism. It asserts that the universe is self existing and not created, people being the result of an evolutionary process. Since there is no God, then there are no absolutes. Therefore what is right and wrong is determined by subjective opinions (relative morality). This philosophy not only led to the holocausts of Aborigines in Australia as well as the Jews in Germany under Adolph Hitler, but also to the current holocaust...

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