Stalactites and Time

Posted on Dec 10, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

We are told it takes a hundred years to form one inch of stalactite material. However, an underground wing of the Milwaukee Public Museum had a problem with the roof leaking. They boarded it up. Ten years later, stalactites were found which were 6 feet long. Using the normally accepted accumulation rate, we can calculate that the underground wing must be 7200 years old – making the museum the oldest building in North America!  Time is not the hero of the plot. It is...

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Carbon Dating

Posted on Dec 3, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Carbon Dating Is radiocarbon (C-14) dating accurate? The method relies on the false assumption that the amount of radiocarbon found in the atmosphere today is identical to what it was thousands of years ago. Since radiocarbon is produced in the upper atmosphere faster than it decays by radioactive decay, we likely have much more C-14 today than we had in the past. If an animal died under an atmosphere with half of the radiocarbon content than today’s, it would make it...

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Radiometric Dating

Posted on Dec 1, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 1 comment

We are told the radioactive dating methods prove the earth is billions of years old. How do we know the results are accurate? We are always dating things of unknown age. The only way to tell is to date something of known age and judge the results. Recent lava flows in Hawaii were dated at 3 million to 1 billion years old by these methods; depending on where the sample was taken. Also volcanic lava which formed in the crater of Mt. St. Helens since 1980 was dated at 340,000...

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Rapid Petrification

Posted on Nov 19, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 1 comment

How long does it take to petrify wood (i.e., turn it to stone) ? Not long!  Public service officials have reported instant petrified wood resulting from lightning strikes. It amazed the chain saw operators who tried to remove the stricken tree. Loggers were also responsible for other instant petrified wood. They accidentally felled a tree across a high voltage line. The power discharged into the ground producing intense heat, melting the ground. A tree sucked the molten...

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Rapid Oil Formation

Posted on Nov 13, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

We are told it takes vast amounts of time to form oil. However, oil can be produced today from garbage within a few hours. Naturally formed young oil has also been discovered coming out of undersea volcanic vents (1 mile deep) in the Guyamas Basin between mainland Mexico and Baja California. This young oil baffled researchers but showed oil can form rapidly. It is either being produced quickly as organic material circulates through and is naturally refined into oil within...

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Ida Is In Trouble!

Posted on Oct 22, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“Ida” is in trouble! In May’s edition of T&B, I wrote about the fossil discovery, “Ida” which was touted to be your ancestor in one of the biggest media blitzes ever. Museum unveilings, magazine publications, and even a 2 hour TV Documentary regarding “Ida,” stated she was just what Charles Darwin would have hoped for to support his theory of evolution. One promoter of the fossil said this one will be in the textbooks for at...

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May Have, Might Have, Could Have. The “Scientific Answer” to Design

Posted on Mar 20, 2009 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

“The final evolution of the flagellum might then have involved only the novel recombination of sophisticated parts that initially evolved for other purposes.” – Scientific American’s attempt to discredit design It is interesting how many evolutionary “explanations” are hedged by the words, “may have, might have, or could have.” This is quite acceptable if the words are used to indicate a hypothesis, or an educated guess to be tested. However, what...

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“Race” and Politics

Posted on Sep 20, 2008 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

With the election campaign in full swing, we anticipate a very common question at our seminars this fall:  “How do you explain the origin of the races?”  Our answer to this question almost got us tarred and feathered one time.  We had said that all “races” originated from Adam and Eve, and more recently from Noah and his family.  Therefore, we aren’t so distant from our black brothers and sisters.  Whew!  Some of those in attendance didn’t want to hear that!  It was a small...

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Gems From Genesis – How Did All the Skin Colors Arise?

Posted on Sep 20, 2008 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

A common question of skeptics of the Bible and even of some Bible-believing Christians is, “If we all came from Adam and Eve, why are there so many different skin colors?”  There is a good answer, which is consistent with both the Bible and with well-known genetic principles.  I will deal with the genetic principles in the next article (The Origin of the Races), but let’s review here the Biblical foundations for answering this question. The early chapters of Genesis reveal...

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The Origin of the Races

Posted on Sep 20, 2008 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

The explanation of the origin of “races” is given by simple genetic principles.  (For those of you who freaked out in high school biology, hang in there!  I will try my best to make this understandable.  Geneticists, please bear with the simplification!)  All right, here we go! Our “looks” are determined by genes.  Genes coding for a particular trait (like skin color) can come in a variety of forms called “alleles.”  Sometimes these alleles appear to be of equal strength,...

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