The Nature of Instinct

Posted on Jan 13, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Suppose a group of scientists were walking along the beach, and they ran across a message written in the sand.  Suppose, in addition, these same scientists praised the grains of sand for their ability to organize themselves in this way.  Obviously, we would say they were crazy.  Yet, the same scientists can say that the unique design of animals, including their instinctive behavior, somehow came about by random processes and, ironically, most of society accepts it. In...

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Where did all that water go?

Posted on Dec 30, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

There are two questions that are frequently asked regarding the Flood.  The first one is, “If there really was a global flood, where did all that water go?  The second is, “How could there be a worldwide flood?  We do not have enough water to cover the whole earth above the tallest mountains. These arguments sound good on the surface until one dives a bit deeper.  The answer to this question is amazingly simple yet well-known (and even Christian) scholars have never thought...

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The Star of Bethlehem – My Perspective

Posted on Dec 23, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Our study of the Star of Bethlehem begins with the wise men coming to Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1).  The wise men came from the East, so I am assuming they are either from Persia or the Babylonian area.  In Matthew 2:2, the wise men inquire concerning the whereabouts of the King of the Jews, because they saw His star the night Jesus was born.  Why were they looking for a star?   I believe they were looking because of the prophecy made by Balaam in Numbers 24:17, 19a, about the...

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The Miracle of the Incarnation

Posted on Dec 16, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

One of the greatest doctrines, and greatest mysteries, of the Christian faith is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, in which our holy, transcendent Creator took on human flesh and became man.  Scripture clearly teaches this truth, and we accept it by faith, yet those of us with inquiring minds still have many questions. Henry Morris, in his book, Biblical Creationism, discusses some of these questions at length. The following ideas are condensations of his suggestions.  While...

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Creation, Christmas, and the Gospel in a Nutshell!

Posted on Dec 9, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

It all fits together!  God created the entire universe and all it contains.  We have seen in earlier Gems from Genesis articles that the creation was very good.  Adam and Eve were also created and had it just as good as they could possibly have it with complete fellowship with God. However, Adam and Eve blew it royally in the Garden of Eden by breaking the only rule of that time – not eating fruit from the forbidden tree.  Their sin impacted all of Creation and now we all...

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Sunbeam Hot Springs: A Lesson in Presumption

Posted on Dec 3, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

Sunbeam Hot Springs is a geothermally influenced spring located near Stanley, Idaho. Water emerges at the main vent at 72 degrees C (162 F) as it runs downhill before crossing under a highway and entering the Salmon River.  Because I was working periodically in the area between October 2000 and April 2002, I had five seasonal opportunities to sample the aquatic organisms.  In total, I found seven taxa of invertebrates, including five kinds of insects, one kind of water...

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God Communicates Through His Creation

Posted on Nov 30, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” (Romans 1:20)  This verse tells us that God communicates with people through His creation. Here are a few ways we discovered as we thought about it. See how many more you can discover, and then “communicate” them with us. With your permission, we just might use your examples in a...

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Bee Dances and Communication

Posted on Nov 24, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

Years ago, I saw a very interesting Moody Science film featuring the Dance of the Bees. Research first analyzed by Martin Lindauer 60 years ago showed that bees actually communicate by doing a type of energetic and vibrating waggle dance. This communicates the direction and the distance to a food source to other bees. (I wondered if they could actually talk but were just having fun doing some kind of charades at a bee party.) More recently, the Sept. 27, 2010, New York...

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God Still Speaks

Posted on Nov 20, 2010 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

God is a great Communicator. From the very beginning of time, He has been speaking. Just notice how often the phrase “God said” appears in Genesis 1. Truly, the universe was created by His powerful Word. Hebrews 11:3 says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”  Then, after creating man, God established communication with him. Even after Adam fell into sin, God came...

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God’s Created Creatures Communicate

Posted on Nov 20, 2010 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

Not only does God communicate through His creation and to mankind, we also see that many of His creatures are also able to communicate in unique and interesting ways. Consider the following examples:  Ants have always been known for being masters of communication. Mary Jo and I confirmed that while watching ants in a huge ant farm in a natural history museum. One ant was carrying a very large load when it stumbled crossing a narrow “log bridge.” It continued to grasp its...

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