Manufacturing Body Parts

Posted on Jun 7, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

I was just given a link to information on amazing research that has been going on for quite a while. I had heard about portions of the research, but huge advancements have been made recently. The research involves making replacement body parts such as lungs, hearts, livers, kidneys, etc. The video shows the results of a successful replacement transplant of a woman’s damaged windpipe using the patient’s own cells that were grown over a precise scaffold of protein. At this...

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Living Fossils

Posted on May 20, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Living on this earth are some interesting creatures which, according to evolutionary theory, “should have” been extinct millions of years ago, yet they live on, virtually unchanged.  Some of these include the opossum, the horseshoe crab, the snapping turtle, the cockroach, the platypus, and the famous coelacanth. The coelacanth is a strange fish that was thought to have become extinct along with the dinosaurs over 70 million years ago.  It was known only from fossils until...

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The Big Bang Theory

Posted on May 12, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

The Big Bang Theory is the most-widely accepted theory of the origin of the universe among evolutionary scientists.  Many Christians (evolutionist and otherwise) also endorse the idea, concluding that if God did create the universe all at once, there most certainly would have been a loud noise. The Big Bang Theory says that all the “stuff” in the universe was at one time jammed into a ball less than the size of the head of a pin, including everything we know of:  the...

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Feathers From Scales??

Posted on Apr 29, 2011 in Articles |

A Gary Larson cartoon depicts a meeting of several dinosaurs discussing their ultimate fate – extinction.  The caption say; “Wings, feathers, nests?  A crazy idea, but it just might work!”  It certainly does sound like a crazy idea, but several science centers we visited lately have actually made the statement that dinosaurs are still with us – they “merely” evolved into birds.  So, somehow, legs must have developed into wings and scales into feathers.  Let’s take a close...

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Birds in Flight

Posted on Apr 14, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Flying birds are compact, well-integrated flying machines capable of producing the large amounts of energy necessary for flight.  Their powerful wings are properly shaped to utilize the physical principles of moving air.  In addition, the wing size and shape varies with species, according to the size of the bird and its speed and type of flight.  In fact, birds can often be identified by their characteristic flight pattern. The feathers of a bird serve to streamline the...

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Wonders of Creation Astronomy Book

Wonders of Creation Astronomy Book

Posted on Apr 7, 2011 in Books and movies we like, Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

This Biblically based book by Dr. Danny Faulkner is a great introduction to the universe that will capture the attention of any budding astronomer.  Every page has color pictures with text to beautifully illustrate your journey through the universe. Faulkner uses a logical progression starting with what is astronomy and the overwhelming immensity of the universe.  Before the galactic tour begins, he has two very interesting chapters: “Why did God Create the Heavenly...

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The Moon: Critical to Life on Earth

Posted on Mar 31, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

In 1991 some scientists advocated blowing up the moon. According to Don DeYoung and John Whitcomb, in Our Created Moon, this idea originated  with American math professor Alexander Abian. He believed that the destruction of the moon would eliminate severe climates and ultimately end world hunger. However, the situation is quite the opposite. DeYoung and Whitcomb say that without the moon, the earth’s axis would swing erratically due to the gravitational pull from other...

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New March/April Newsletter Online Now

Posted on Mar 29, 2011 in Newsletter | 0 comments

We wanted to let all of our readers know that we have posted the newest Think and Believe and Kids Think and Believe, Too! to the website. I have provided the links below.  New articles like “Why Creation Vacations?” and “Moon Origins?” are there for your education and encouragement.  For kids we have the article,”Not Just a Bible Story,” as well as games. Please forward on links to our website to any friend who may be edified or challenged. Again, we would like...

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A Crucial Question: What Is The Evidence?

Posted on Mar 26, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

One of the most important, but most difficult, things to accomplish in schools is to teach students to think.  It’s easy for teachers to fall into the trap of allowing their students to just memorize all kinds of information and repeat it on a test.  However, real learning entails much more than just memorizing.  Real learning comes by comparing, contrasting, classifying, applying, analyzing and evaluating data.  It starts with asking the right questions. Whenever we speak...

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An Encounter with Muhlenbergia Torreyi: A Grass That Grows in Circles

Posted on Mar 25, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

I had the opportunity to participate in the Grand Canyon Adventure Bus Trip sponsored by the Institute for Creation Research.  It was an unforgettable experience as we toured Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Petrified Forest, Sunset Crater, and numerous other sites of interest in Arizona and Utah.  We marveled at God’s creative handiwork and were awed by the evidence of His judgment during the Flood.  Though we saw much geology, I, as usual, was especially interested in the...

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