Richard Dawkins Says “Evangelical Christians have really sort of got it right in a way…”

Posted on Jan 3, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  To Richard Dawkins: “Was there a particular point, or something you read, or an experience you had that said, ‘Yes this is it, God does not exist’?” Now note carefully the following statement by Richard Dawkins: “Oh well, by far the most important was understanding evolution. I think the evangelical Christians have really sort of got it right in a way, in seeing evolution as the enemy. Whereas the more, what shall we say, sophisticated theologians are quite happy to...

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Does the Evidence within Astronomy Fit with Billions of Years of Natural Changes?

Posted on Jan 2, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Consider the formation of stars, galaxies and our solar system. They supposedly formed from gas and dust clouds clumping together, rather than dispersing. But no model can successfully simulate this—and definitely not in a way that puts the sun rotating at 7° from the planets’ orbits in our star system. For almost every solar system body, the magnetic field strength is a surprise. Mercury shouldn’t have a magnetic field (but it does); surely Venus and Mars should...

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The Theory of Evolution Still Can’t Explain…

Posted on Dec 31, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “We still don’t have a mechanism to account for the big structural changes that must have taken place: evolving from asexual to sexual, from single-cell to multi-cell, and the big one—going from non-life to a single cell that has DNA, has proteins capable of reading the DNA and using it to make new proteins including an exact copy of itself!” Read more about this here:...

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Is the Evolutionary Tree Simple or Too Complex?

Is the Evolutionary Tree Simple or Too Complex?

Posted on Dec 27, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “The flora and fauna on this planet do not arrange nicely into branching diagrams of heredity. Phenomena like ‘evolutionary convergence’ are entirely unexpected situations where life refuses to establish a branching diagram—good examples are the armadillo and pangolin. Some creatures have such an unusual mixture of features that evolutionists cannot agree what branch they belong on—a great example is the aye-aye (a nocturnal primate—maybe—of Madagascar).”   Read...

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A Moving Mountain!

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Mount Mannen in Norway is collapsing! This is puzzling to secular scientists. Notice how our worldview affects the way we view the evidence: “People tend to regard mountains as more or less permanent fixtures, so they are generally surprised when they undergo rapid changes.11 One big factor in this surprise is the way in which the philosophy of uniformitarianism is deeply interwoven into modern culture. Any discussion of geological features always involves the...

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PETRIFIED Bags of Flour!!

Posted on Dec 17, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“You are looking at parts of petrified flour sacks from the Blue Spring mill.’ Although not suitable to eat, these sacks of petrified flour give lots of ‘food for thought”. “It is commonly believed that petrification is a process taking millions of years … not true! Under ideal conditions petrification can take place in as few as three weeks.” Read more here:

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C-14 All Throughout the Geologic Column!!

Posted on Dec 13, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

C-14 has been found all throughout the geologic column!! To follow-up from Yesterday’s post, since C-14 shouldn’t last more than 100,000 years, evolutionists find it pointless to C-14 date items thought to be millions of years old. And to be fair, it would be pointless if their assumptions were true, but the evidence points to the fact that these items are not millions of years old. There are many examples of research that reports that C-14 has been found in: -“70 samples...

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Absurdly Inappropriate and Useless??

Posted on Dec 12, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“Absurdly inappropriate and useless” or worthwhile to the progress of science?!?! Prominent professor of evolutionary biology, PZ Myers, had the following to say about a challenge to extend the scientific investigation. Think about the assumptions being made. Why is he so closed off to furthering this scientific study? “Mary Schweitzer and Jack Horner identified some peculiar soft tissue deep in a T. rex bone, which Schweitzer claims is preserved collagen or fragments of...

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Natural Selection…DESIGNED us??

Posted on Dec 12, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Richard Dawkins stated: “I think it’s something we need to be proud of our species for; because our species, every species, is designed by natural selection to survive in its world. We were never designed by natural selection to understand modern physics; and yet our brains, amazingly through emergent properties, are capable of reaching way, way outside the bounds that our evolution apparently set for us. I think it’s, I’m very proud to be human.” Is that the most...

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Noah Took “Supermutts” on the Ark!

Posted on Dec 5, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  It is estimated that there were less than 15,000 species or different kinds on the ark and that only had to include “mammals, birds, reptiles, and possibly land-reproducing amphibians.” It is estimated that of those types of animals, there are only 30,000 living species today. So those animal types only needed to double in species. This is very possible to do in only a few thousand years, especially with artificial breeding programs. For example,  “most dog breeds...

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