Magical Dark Matter

Posted on Apr 9, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Although astronomers deduced the existence of dark matter apart from the Big Bang model, this substance has become very important to secular cosmologists. They recognize the enormous problems in their theories of star and galaxy formation. Many claim dark matter is the “missing ingredient” that can somehow enable their theories to work.19 This is very convenient for theorists. Since no one knows what dark matter is—or even if it really exists—no one can demonstrate...

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The Origin of the Virus is a Mystery…

Posted on Apr 7, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Something quite amazing in the virus story has come to light with the discovery of a virus so large it can be seen through a standard laboratory microscope. Its size is 1000 nm, and it has been given the name Pandora (Coghlan, 2013). A common virus has fewer than 10 genes; Pandora has 2556. It is jokingly said of it that its cellular ancestor has disappeared! This virus has posed even greater challenges to understanding the true origin of viruses, which still...

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Did Scientists figure out how chemicals became life?

Posted on Apr 2, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “They did not synthesise any of the four DNA bases, but presupposed them. Not surprising, since there is no good prebiotic route to cytosine especially, and the others are unstable. And how nice that they have used pure, uncontaminated reagents to make the sugars, instead of the diluted and grossly contaminated gunk that results from Miller–Urey-type experiments. We have long known about formose reaction (or Butlerov reaction, after eminent 19th-century Russian...

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The Young Faint Sun Paradox – a Big Problem

Posted on Mar 31, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  The Young Faint Sun Paradox – a big problem for the billions-of-years models! It goes like this: As the sun ages, it should be getting brighter and more intense and thus heating the Earth more and more. So 3.8 billion years ago, the Earth should have been colder – aka an ice planet! This is not conducive for the primordial soups and the warmer temperatures required for billions of years of evolution! Read more here:...

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“If God is real, why doesn’t he just show himself to me?”

Posted on Mar 26, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  I was just thinking the other day… …I know…dangerous, right? I have heard some skeptics of Christianity say: “If God is real, why doesn’t he just show himself to me?” I have this to say: If you think that you need God to show Himself to you and you are, like I am, a man or woman of science – then I believe that possibly through stacks of evidence, God will show Himself to you – you might even prefer that way of “proving” God rather than God...

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Uncreated Creator or Uncreated Stuff??

Posted on Mar 24, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Either there was an uncreated Creator (Supernatural views) or uncreated stuff (Naturalism’s view). “The narratives all have one thing in common—they begin with something, somewhere, that has no beginning. If you commit to naturalism, you need to be able to take it all the way back to the ‘first cause’ in order to fill the ‘first cause’ gap. You need to find a narrative that brings life into existence, and before that the universe; and that explains why these things...

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Is it ever okay to lie??

Posted on Mar 19, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Is it OK to…LIE – if you can convince someone of what you think is true? “An evolutionary True Believer and educator, one Bora Zivkovic, Online Community Manager at PLoS-ONE,3 proudly stated: ‘it is OK to use some inaccuracies temporarily if they help you reach the students.’ 4” As Christian Creationists – the Bible tells us that we should not lie. “While some creationists have been known to lie, this is contrary to their professed belief system, and not...

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Most viruses are beneficial!

Posted on Mar 17, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Really?? (Note: We do realize the seriousness of the coronavirus and that it is one of the mutated, and now harmful varieties of viruses. We are praying for God to be at work during this difficult time!) Check these quotes out: “It comes as a shock to many people when they hear it, but most viruses are good for you. Have you heard that there are as many bacteria in and on your body as there are cells in your body? That is true. But it is also true that you have more...

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A great “Science-of-the-Gaps” Example: Soft-Tissue in Dinosaur Fossils!

Posted on Mar 17, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“How could dinosaur proteins persist over 70 million years inside dinosaur bones? That’s one of the biggest questions that secular paleontologists have faced in the last two decades. Many of them reason that some unique but undiscovered set of conditions grant proteins power to defy all odds and somehow survive unimaginable time scales. They think someone, someday, will discover the protein’s secret to survival. A new model suggests those long-sought conditions have come...

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