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Posted on Jun 23, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
Uranus – nearly impossible to explain naturally without a Designer/Creator! “Hannes Alfvén (Nobel prize winner in Physics, 1970) says: “[T]o place the Uranian satellites in their present (almost coplanar circular) orbits would require all the trajectory control sophistication of modern space technology. It is unlikely that any natural phenomenon, involving bodies emitted from Uranus, could have achieved this result.” So the evidence is that no hit occurred. But...
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Posted on Jun 22, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
The Peppered Moth Example is one of the staple supposed proofs of evolution, but there have been some problems with it. Peppered Moths theoretically went from more light-colored to darker-colored because the lighter-colored moths were seen easier (and therefore eaten easier) against the soot that settled on the bark of the trees during the Industrial revolution in England. But “peppered moths rest underneath leaves during the day, not on tree bark (figure 3), as is...
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Posted on Jun 17, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
What is the best and simplest explanation for Uranus?? (Remember Occam’s Razor – the simplest explanation is often the best) Uranus is assumed to have more Shepherd moons to keep its rings together or maybe the rings more simply indicate that Uranus is not billions of years old! “concerning the origin of Uranus, as we have previously said, from a practical point of view, expanding gases don’t reverse their expansion because of gravity, they...
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Posted on Jun 16, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
“It is all based on the assumption of evolution and the alleged age-date of the fossils, and so gets back to the fact that a person’s worldview determines how these fossils are interpreted.” “Ancient cranium discovered in Ethiopia suggests early hominin evolutionary tree is messier than we thought.”19 In Science, Michael Price’s article had the headline “Stunning skull shakes human family tree”.20 “Writing for the BBC, Pallab Ghosh mentions the...
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Posted on Jun 11, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
There are three ways to make an ape-man: Upgrade an ape to a man – Lucy Downgrade a man to an ape – Homo erectus, Neanderthal man Mix ape and man bones together – Piltdown man Read more about that here:
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Posted on Jun 11, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
“Don’t we read, even in the daily newspapers, about many ‘observations’ that only ever seem to support the big bang? In fact, these prominent secular scientists say: ‘Even observations are now interpreted through this biased filter, judged right or wrong depending on whether or not they support the big bang. So discordant data on red shifts, lithium and helium abundances, and galaxy distribution, among other topics, are ignored or ridiculed.’” “As these big-bang opposers...
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Posted on Jun 9, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
“You’ve got evolutionary biologists who say things like, ‘evolution is as assured as the law of gravity,’ but you never hear a physicist saying ‘the theory of gravity is as assured as evolution. Why is that?” “Evolutionary theory is a “series of folktales” that “doesn’t answer any deep questions”” like the origin of life, reproductive success, and even the concept of love. See more here:...
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Posted on Jun 4, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
“The piano can produce different-pitched sounds from 88 keys, but the human ear can distinguish over 2,500 different tones! Even more remarkable than the variation in pitch that the human ear can detect is the intensity of sound which the human ear is capable of hearing. The human ear can detect sound frequencies that move the eardrum as slightly as a billionth of an inch. This incredibly small movement is less than the diameter of a hydrogen atom. Our hearing is...
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Posted on Jun 2, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
In the Fossil Record, there are numerous examples of trackways appearing before the fossils of the animals that made them! If the layers formed slowly over long periods of time (millions of years), why did the tracks form into fossils at times when the hard parts of that creature did not fossilize until later? Maybe a simpler and more reasonable explanation is that these were footprints of creatures fleeing the rising floodwaters that eventually would have inundated...
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Posted on May 28, 2020 in Creation Nuggets |
“A statistical analysis by Hebrew scholar Steven Boyd showed that perfect and imperfect verbs are dominant in undoubted poetic passages, while preterites [= wayyiqtols or waw-consecutives] dominate in undoubted historical narrative. And his analysis showed, “the probability that Genesis 1:1–2:3 (X1 = 0.655) is a narrative is 0.999972604.”” If I were a betting man, I would bet on that! Read more about that...
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