Unity for God’s Glory!

Posted on Jan 21, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Here is a great article showing the challenges that Creation ministries face and the joy of being able to work together with rightful attitudes to share God’s Truths with others. What a joy it is to be able to glorify our great Creator. As you have so kindly acknowledged and thanked our ministry, we thank you, Institute for Creation Research, for your work in taking a stand and opening eyes to God’s Truths! Praise the LORD!...

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Salt Lakes – How?

Posted on Jan 19, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “The existence of salt lakes and inland seas provides strong evidence that there has been a global Flood.  The huge salty Caspian Sea is completely landlocked and during the past several centuries has been shrinking in size.  How did seawater get so far inland?  Why did it not dry up millions of years ago?  A gigantic flood within the last 5,000 years would seem to be a very good answer. Lake Van (5,900 feet in elevation) to the southwest of Ararat and Lake Urmia...

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How can we change something to create something sooooooooooooooooooooooooo complex?

Posted on Jan 14, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 2 comments

  “The development of new functions is the only thing important for evolution. We are not talking about small functional changes, but radical ones. Some organism had to learn how to convert sugars to energy. Another had to learn how to take sunlight and turn it into sugars. Another had to learn how to take light and turn it into an interpretable image in the brain. These are not simple things, but amazing processes that involve multiple steps, and functions that...

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What do we really know about genetic information??

What do we really know about genetic information??

Posted on Jan 12, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Another issue, especially displayed among evolutionists (but creationists, including myself, are not immune), is a lack of understanding of the location of biological information. Most people tend to think DNA (the ‘genome’) is the storage place of information. While it is certainly the location of a tremendous amount of it, this gene-centered view ignores the information originally engineered into the first created organisms. The architecture of the cell, including...

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“Neither Simple nor Primitive!”

“Neither Simple nor Primitive!”

Posted on Jan 7, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “When a predator comes close to a certain species of jellyfish, the jellyfish turns off the lights in its bell-shaped body and turns on the lights at the end of its tentacles. Then the jellyfish stretches its body as far as possible from its tentacles. As the predator approaches the lighted tentacles, the jellyfish switches off all its lights and scoots away as fast as it can. If the predator wasn’t fooled and wants to continue the chase, the jellyfish switches...

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A SHOEBOX – That’s it??!!

A SHOEBOX – That’s it??!!

Posted on Jan 5, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  And this quote comes from National Geographic – do we really have enough evidence of human evolution?? Check this out! “The fossil record is frustratingly ambiguous. Slightly older than H. erectus is a species called Homo habilis, or “handy man” – so named by Louis Leakey and his colleagues in 1964 because they believed it responsible for the stone tools they were finding at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. In the 1970s teams led by Louis’s son Richard found more H....

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A Fish Giving Live Birth! – Is it an Evolutionary Leap??

A Fish Giving Live Birth! – Is it an Evolutionary Leap??

Posted on Dec 31, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  This was actually a C-section nonetheless! “Contrary to journalistic hype, this case provides no insights into the supposed ‘evolutionary leap’ between egg-laying and live birth.3 In fact, Mary’s pregnancy was on the verge of killing her. She became so bloated that she needed a caesarean section to ‘deliver’ her tiny fish embryos—56 of these microscopic fish fry survived to become healthy adult sticklebacks, but only by being carefully reared in the lab. Sadly, Mary...

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Evolution Naturally or Evidence of a Creator??

Evolution Naturally or Evidence of a Creator??

Posted on Dec 29, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Is This Evidence of a New Way to Evolve or Evidence of Increased Design and Complexity (Evidence of a Creator)?? “You can think of DNA instructions as a recipe, while RNA is the chef that orchestrates the cooking in the kitchen of each cell, producing necessary proteins that keep the whole organism going. But RNA doesn’t just blindly execute instructions – occasionally it improvises with some of the ingredients, changing which proteins are produced in the...

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Saturn’s Rings Perplex Scientists

Posted on Dec 15, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Just how and when the rings [of Saturn] formed remains one of our solar system’s biggest mysteries. Conventional wisdom is that they are as old as the planet, over 4 billion years. But because the rings are so bright—like freshly fallen snow—a competing theory is that they may have formed during the age of the dinosaurs. Many astronomers agree that there is no satisfactory theory that explains how rings could have formed within just the past few hundred million...

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