Welcome to the Discover Creation Blog. Among other things, this is where you’ll find updates from our speakers, interesting reading, and more.
Help us in India
I have been traveling and teaching in India every winter for the last three years, and one request that I repeatedly receive from my Indian Christian friends is the crucial need for good laptop computers. Many of the Christians there are very poor and cannot afford them. We all know the blessing that this technology can bring in education and learning. This will help run items such as Bible software and other critical tools in a ministry environment. If you are able,...
Read MoreOut of the Mouth of Babes
“And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6 When Marilyn and I teach Vacation Bible Schools and Bible Camps, we always spend part of one session presenting a demonstration of the gospel. At the end of the message, we invite the children and adults to accept the gift of salvation. We then ask those who respond to go to the back of the auditorium and speak to counselors about their response (we are not trying to force...
Read MoreIcons of Evolution
Several years ago, I was teaching at a public forum in Alaska about “The Biogenetic Law: Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny”. Essentially, this is the evolutionary idea that as we form in the womb, the human embryo will look like the animals we evolved from. After showing a picture of Haeckel’s drawing of recapitulation (the ones that have been shown to be a fraud), an evolutionary professor interrupted to state that picture was no longer being shown in the textbooks. There...
Read MoreA “Scientist,” but not a Christian?
Mary Jo & I just had a parent tell us that their son recently told her that he wanted to be a “scientist,” not a Christian. Oh, my! He is certainly suffering under the influence of too many who are telling him, “If you want to be a scientist you have to leave your faith out of it.” To make matters worse, the son was getting this at a private “religious” school! Lanny Johnson had just finished writing an article for the next issue of Kids Think and Believe which...
Read MoreHow Shall They Hear?
I get excited as summer draws near. Summer is the time for Vacation Bible Schools and Bible camps. What an opportunity to be able to share God’s Word with kids. Many people are under the impression that VBS’s and Bible camps are only for churched kids … however, we see a lot of kids that have never set foot in a church attend these events. Many times, this is the first time they have ever heard about Biblical creation or about what Jesus did upon the cross for them –...
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