Welcome to the Discover Creation Blog. Among other things, this is where you’ll find updates from our speakers, interesting reading, and more.
Fall Colors
I think fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cooler temperatures and the beautiful fall colors. I especially love to walk in the woods, delighting in the colors and smelling the fragrance. Here in our part of Colorado, there aren’t many hardwoods, so we don’t have the variety found in other parts of the country, but the aspens have a special beauty all their own. They turn a striking gold, sometimes highlighted with deep orange or red. Highlighted against the...
Read MoreSpider silk
I hate to admit it, but I just don’t like spiders. However, Mary Jo and I just got back to our house after being gone a week, and I found a nice spider web. Although I quickly got rid of it (and contemplated where the spider might appear), the web made me think of God’s amazing design. Spider silk is actually stronger than steel of the same diameter. Spider silk is also extremely light. A strand of spider silk long enough to circle the world would weigh just slightly more...
Read MoreFall Is In The Air!
Driving over Hoosier Pass, between Breckinridge and Fairplay, Colorado, we were pleased to see the striking colors of autumn leaves. The bright, vibrant yellows and reds of the turning aspens were spectacular. Yesterday, as we travelled through Nebraska, we saw the golden stalks of corn, and the yellow to gold leaves of soy beans. Only a short time ago all of these leaves had been a beautiful bright green. The changing fall foliage never fails to delight me. Leaves are...
Read MoreMultiplied Fruits
I just received an email from a friend of AOI named Juan, who got excited about creation at one of our Creation Family Adventures, and then came to AOI for further training. Juan is now teaching Creation at a Spanish speaking church in Texas. He wrote: “Wanted to share with you that last Sunday was the 3rd of 8 (maybe 10… depending on timing) sessions on Creation I am teaching for my Church’s Spanish congregation. It is a Genesis 1-3, Flood, Tower of Babel...
Read MoreJudas Asparagus
I have been working with children for many years, and have been amused (and sometimes shocked) about how they sometimes perceive things they have heard. The following (author unknown) has been floating around for years. Judas Asparagus Just in case you have forgotten your Bible lessons, here is a refresher course. A child was asked to write a book report on the entire Bible. I wonder how often we take for granted that children understand what we are teaching??? Through the...
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