Discover Creation Blog

Welcome to the Discover Creation Blog. Among other things, this is where you’ll find updates from our speakers, interesting reading, and more.

Chew, Chew, Chew

Posted on Apr 1, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

While waiting for my mom at the dentist’s office, I was blessed to overhear a short conversation between the receptionist and an elderly woman. The receptionist asked her, “How do you stay so healthy?” Her reply delighted me: “I take what the Lord gives me … and He gave me a mouthful of teeth.” I love that! What a great attitude – and a good testimony to God’s goodness! And what a great reminder to remember our Creator and give thanks. I got to thinking – how often do I...

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Do You Think They Will Read Them?

Posted on Mar 30, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Mary Jo & I were doing presentations at a church on Sunday. One of the parents really got excited about the creation message and wanted some resources. I suggested two “must have books” for her boys on dinosaurs (Dragons of the Deep, and Dinosaurs for Kids). Her question was “Do you think they will read them?” I guess they were really into video games. I assured her not only of the importance that they get material to counteract the evolutionary indoctrination but also...

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Youth Rally and People “Getting It!”

Posted on Mar 23, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Mary Jo & I spoke for a youth rally as a portion of our seminar series in Pinedale, Wyoming. Someone who really saw how important it was to get as many youth as possible to see the creation material donated a brand new IPAD as a prize for a drawing held during the rally. That “bribe,” coupled with a pizza party and a pastor who also encouraged them to come, got a lot of youth out! We were also happy to see most all of them paying close attention to our creation...

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Web Response From India

Posted on Mar 18, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I received this email from someone in India who has found our website: Dear Sirs, I intend to introduce myself as Pastor *******, based in *****, India. I found your website to be wonderful with material made in the spirit of I would say young Elihu’s remarks in the Book of Job  “Let me go on, and I will show you the truth. For I have not finished defending God! I will present profound arguments for the righteousness of my Creator.”- Job 36:2-3  Keep up your good...

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Rifkin and Today’s Genetic Engineering

Posted on Mar 17, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Mary Jo and I have had the privilege and pleasure of staying with Dave Harper and his wife, Barb, while teaching in Pinedale, WY. We always enjoy being with them, both because of their great hospitality and the stimulating conversation. Dave, currently the President of our Board of Directors, reminded me this morning of a quotation, originally written in 1983, which I had read years ago. With today’s push toward genetic engineering, I think we should be aware of the...

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