Frequently Asked Questions About
Discover Creation Training Adventure
We were blessed to have had the opportunity to run a trial year of this program in 2015-16. We took a pause from the program but have had another profitable, developmental year in 2024-25 so, Lord-willing, we are so excited to Experience More Growth Together this August!!
Our culture is changing. Deception, confusion, apathy, bad information, bad theology, and wrongful worldviews are abundant in our society. Everyone has a lot of questions and there are a lot of answers, but many of those answers are problematic, conflicting and inconsistent.
There are real Answers. There is real Truth. There is a Reason and there is Purpose. There is a Foundation for what we Believe. God created and God has a plan.
Jesus commanded His people to go and make disciples. (Matt 28:19-20) That is our goal: to teach people, mentor them, give them a solid foundation to stand on for life and to not just make disciples…but disciple-makers. People need real answers and we strive to give students answers to make a defense for their faith. (1 Pet 3:15)
Jesus’ ministry was focused on 12 disciples who then took His message out to the world. It is our desire to model that same teaching style. Our goal is reaching not just our 12 students, but like Christ, equipping them to reach their family and friends. This is a Godly multiplying effect.
The Adventure is intentionally a non-accredited training and discipleship educational program. It is non-traditional in that we do not follow a grading system or offer degrees or certificates. Too many students waste time and money in college not knowing what they want to do. Our view is that education is not about a piece of paper claiming that you have learned, but about true learning and transformed lives. We believe in fortifying the body of Christ through discipleship, accountability, and personal responsibility.
DCTA does not offer credits that transfer to other institutions. Some schools may be willing to accept your educational portfolio from DCTA. We would be willing to work with you on that, but we cannot guarantee anything.
The Discover Creation Training Adventure is a specialized one-year training program designed to fortify individuals with a creation-based Biblical worldview with an emphasis on applied apologetics, personal discipleship and practical ministry outreach.
We believe that God has worked in the lives of all of our staff in unique and varied ways as He has desired and that He has specifically called us to this creation discipleship ministry. We are all serious and passionate about God’s Word and doing His will.
Dave and Mary Jo Nutting have masters degrees in mathematics, geology, and biology and have 30 years of experience in creation teaching and evangelism. The rest of our instructors are highly qualified with varied educational and professional experience.
Our study topics have been developed by AOI staff and will incorporate a blend of trustworthy resources and relevant content to enhance the learning potential of each individual student. Students should receive not only valuable and life-changing friendships and discipling, but also a tremendous amount of understanding and experiences in God’s Word, His creation and creation ministry. Every student is responsible for their learning as well as many individual projects that may have different ministry focuses based on the student’s interests, abilities and gifting.
Distinct from other educational programs, our focus is on grounding students for life by fortifying them with a Biblical Foundation for interpreting science and our world. We focus on Creation Science, Discipleship, Community, Learning through Doing (Field Trips), Ministry Application, and Evangelistic Outreach. We desire that students have a unique, educational environment without the stresses and formalities of traditional school programs. We desire an environment of Biblical learning and discipleship that is geared to specific student needs and which has a heavy emphasis on practical ministry involvement.
The amount and extent of our Field Trips available along with the focus and emphasis on Practical Ministry Outreach makes The Adventure one of the most unique 1-year training programs in the world.
The Adventure runs from the end of August to the middle of May with possible opportunities during the summer. Classes have been designed to be primarily 1 class at a time for a duration of 1-3 weeks depending on the topic. There will be field trips that are spread out throughout the course of the school year.
Classes have been designed specifically for Tuesday through Friday to allow time to work on projects, and provide flexibility to take educational weekend trips or supplemental teaching on Monday. This schedule is subject to change based on the needs of the instructor or class. Click to learn more about:
Community is an essential part of the Adventure together and thus the Lord has blessed us with the Upper Rooms where students will live together in apartments above the DCTA classroom and the AOI office.
We will hold students accountable to Godly living. Students will have a personal development class which runs the entire year and helps students develop Godly habits. Students will be expected to: read the entire Bible in one year, meet deadlines on projects, demonstrate good attitudes, Christian behavior and more. Students will be expected to commit to guidelines in the student handbook and display basic Christian behavior as we strive to be more like Christ.
We look for students who will be actively engaged in classroom lectures, discussions, forums, and Bible studies. Students will be taught to better critically think and respectfully discuss topics even with those of other beliefs. We want students who have a heart to learn and grow into mature followers of Christ, able to think Biblically and eager to be involved in evangelism and disciple-making.
A packing list will be provided in a Welcome Packet that will be mailed to you upon acceptance. A laptop computer will be necessary for completing expected classroom assignments and ministry projects.
You may bring your car, but parking may be limited and spaces will be designated on a first come, first serve basis. Please indicate on your application whether you would be interested in bringing a car.
The Facilities for DCTA are just a short drive from the Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT) and staff may on occasion drive or pick up students there. Interstate 70 passes right through Grand Junction making the city easily accessible by driving. Public transportation is also available. Private parking at DCTA may be limited, so spaces will primarily be allotted on a first come, first serve basis.
Working alongside of this program is highly discouraged. The focus for DCTA is the building of community and so students are expected to be engaged with the community living, activities, classes, and projects. The field trips, outreaches, and the practicum will all be disruptive to a work environment.