It might be asked, “So what? What difference does it make if you believe in evolution or creation?” Apart from the scientific issues, beliefs about creation and evolution have a powerful impact on various aspects of life. We will focus here on three major areas: social, spiritual, and personal.
By social, we mean issues dealing with our relationships with other people and issues facing our society. If human beings are just the accidental combination of molecules in space and time, how do we determine what is right and wrong? Should human society operate on the same “laws” governing evolution – natural selection or survival of the fittest? If so, then does “might makes right” or should values be determined by majority rule? Should right and wrong be determined by physical strength – or maybe by material wealth, intellectual prowess, beauty, athletic ability, or popularity? If evolution is true, any of these could be used to determine right and wrong in a society, because in an entirely naturalistic universe, there is no external determiner of right and wrong. However, if the Bible is true and there really is a supernatural Creator, then this Creator owns the creation and has the right to set the rules, and the nature of the rules will be determined entirely by the character of the Creator. The complexity and vastness of the universe would probably lead one to conclude that this Creator is powerful and wise, but these characteristics would leave us in big trouble if the Creator was not also good and loving. Fortunately, the Bible reveals the character of the Creator to be not only powerful and wise, but also good and loving, thus we can trust that His “rules” are for our good and for the good of society.
Another area impacted by creation/evolution is the spiritual arena. According to some naturalistic, atheistic evolutionists, this arena does not even exist. They believe this life is all there is, and we all will eventually go back to dust and that is the end. However, over the ages, most people have recognized a spiritual dimension to life. Of course, there are numerous ideas about the nature of this spirituality and of the supernatural intelligence behind life. It is beyond the scope of this section to discuss the various options in depth. We will focus here on the conflict between evolution and the Bible. If atheistic evolution is true, then the Bible is clearly a book of fables and/or lies. However, if atheistic evolution is NOT true, then there is a supernatural Creator. The Bible claims to be the true and accurate Word of this Creator, revealing not only the history of the universe and life, but also the way to know the Creator and spend eternity with Him.
Author and noted youth evangelist, Mark Cahil, says, “The number one reason students give for not responding to the gospel is evolution.” In our experience, evolution is also a major factor in why Christian youth turn away from their faith. Often, people become willing to consider the claims of Scripture when they are presented with information demonstrating the nature of the creation/evolution debate and with alternative interpretations to traditional “proofs” of evolution. Thus, it is clear that this creation/evolution issue has deep spiritual implications.
A third area of impact is a deeply personal one. Evolution teaches that humans are no different from animals, and there is no plan or purpose for humans as a group, much less for an individual human life. Neil Bell, on page 9 of his book, Only Human, writes,
“The fact is we humans are just as much animals as any worm, toad, or pig.”
With this kind of teaching, is it any wonder that so many young people find their lives to be meaningless, void of purpose and value? However, the Bible gives an entirely different view. Life has meaning, purpose, and value because we are the special creation of a wise and loving Creator. Each of us has value in His sight – so much so, that even though we have rebelled against our Creator, gone our own way, and transgressed His good laws, He loves us enough to pay the penalty for our sin so that we could come back into relationship with Him through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our lives have meaning, purpose, and value by living in trusting, obedient relationship with Him. (See Psalm 139:13-16; Jer 1:5; Eph 2:10)
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