“The speakers at AOI are excellent communicators in bringing the message of God’s wonderful creation to people of all ages. They are well-informed, technically precise, and easily understood.” – Dr. Duane Gish, Institute for Creation Research

Dave & Mary Jo Nutting
Dave and Mary Jo Nutting are the Founders and Directors of Alpha Omega Institute. They were college math and science instructors when they first grappled with the problems of evolution and became convinced of the evidence for Creation. Their personal contact with students convinced them of the importance of the issue, not only in science, but in evangelism and Christian growth. Since founding AOI in 1984, they have spoken extensively, giving presentations for churches, universities, camps and tours both in the USA and internationally.
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Lanny & Marilyn Johnson
Lanny and Marilyn Johnson are former evolutionists with degrees in geology and biology. Creation teaching was instrumental in bringing them to a settled assurance that all of God’s Word can be trusted. In 1993, God led them to join Alpha Omega Institute and establish the Children’s Ministry to fortify children with the truth of the Bible and to help them avoid the pitfalls of evolution. They are well-known for their dynamic VBS programs with puppet shows featuring “Eugene,” an ornery but loveable lion. While continuing to minister extensively to children, their family programs and presentations for youth, college students, and adults are also very well-received.
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Richard Stepanek
Richard Stepanek was taught evolution in school and in church. He believed it until God opened his eyes to creation at a “Discover Creation” seminar. After extensive personal research on the subject, Rich became firmly convinced that the facts support the literal account of Creation found in the Bible. Rich joined Alpha Omega Institute as a full time speaker in 1997 and has taught both in the States and internationally. Rich has done extensive studies in Genesis and its relevance to the rest of Scripture, and loves to teach on this topic. His wife, Sue, often travels with him in the ministry.
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Brian Mariani
Brian and Aimee Mariani were both raised with a solid foundation and a deep passion for God’s word, science, and God’s Creation. In public schools and secular universities, Brian saw the deception of evolution all around him. He later taught the credibility of creation and the pervasiveness of evolution from a Biblical perspective as a science teacher at a Christian high school. Aimee has spent many years teaching campers about God’s creation at a Christian living history camp. They met at a Bible College that strengthened their creation worldview where Brian also had the opportunity to be one of the main researchers and contributors to the book, The Genius of Ancient Man. Brian and Aimee joined AOI in 2013 because they have a passion to teach others about God through history, science, and His creation.
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G. Scott Mauser
G. Scott Mauser teaches classes designed to make Christians aware of the discussions and challenges that their Faith is confronted with in the marketplace of ideas. In his classes, students (high school and above) will read, discuss, and wrestle with the answers our Faith gives to these questions raised by the culture and academia. They will discuss a spectrum that will take us from pure skepticism to a confident hope and understanding about how the...
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*Note: The ministry of AOI, including the speakers, is a support based ministry. Please pray and consider being a part of our ministry by giving – to encourage and strengthen our speakers. This ministry cannot continue without God’s Work – including His Work in calling others to be a part of this ministry with finances and prayer. Donate now and designate how or to whom you would like to give.