Hand of God – Fibonacci Numbers & the Divine Proportion


Author: Lanny Johnson

AOI’s own Lanny Johnson shows that Fibonacci numbers and the Divine Proportion are fascinating examples of the endless incredible design found throughout the universe.

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“Harken unto this, stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14

Looking at Fibonacci numbers and the Divine Proportion is a fascinating example of the endless incredible design found throughout the universe.  Are these unmistakable mathematical correlations just a cosmic evolutionary accident?…  ….Or are we looking at the work of a Master Artist?

Is nature a product of evolutionary accidents, or are we looking at work of a master artist?  Even without use of measuring tools, man recognizes design and beauty throughout nature. Upon careful examination of living and nonliving things, we often discover the built in shapes, numbers, and patterns of Fibonacci numbers and the Divine Proportion.

Many have seen this intricate design as beautiful and incorporated into their buildings, art, and music.  Just as the design in a building indicates a knowledgeable architect, the design throughout the universe points to an intelligent Designer….not to the blind, random accidents of evolution.

I believe when we take a good look at the evidence it is clear “God that made the world and all things therein,” (Acts 17:24a).  Only the hand of God could create such marvelous wonders that we find around us!

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