In preparation for another creation tour to India in Jan. and Feb. 2011, I am planning what new topics I will teach. Not only are the Indians interested in Genesis and creation, I have discovered they are also fascinated with the book of Revelation and end times. This became apparent while I was teaching from Genesis, there are many similarities between Revelation and Genesis, and they began asking many questions about Revelation.
Being limited on time, I quickly answered their questions and continued in Genesis. With one pastor, I had the opportunity of an extended conversation and was able to touch on my teaching in Revelation. In his enthusiasm, he wanted his class to know more about this topic. So before my return trip to India, I will be preparing a presentation on Revelation and end times. It is truly amazing how the first book of the Bible is connected to the last book of the Bible! Jesus Christ is the First and the Last and His Word reflects this truth.
Rich Stepanek