Wonder of Science, The

$22.00 $20.00

Exploring the Creation/Evolution Debate

By Dominic Statham

Many parents ask what they can use to help their high-schoolers learn real science without the evolutionary indoctrination. I strongly recommend this very informative and readable book that covers a wide variety of science topics.


This is a great up-to-date and colorful book that covers some topics that have recently come to light in science along with other evidence of creation in fields of:

  1. Science and Faith
  2. Genetics and Evolution
  3. Earth’s Geology and Atmosphere
  4. Cell Biology and Chemical Evolution
  5. Space Science

What I like about it is the fact that it gives a lot of detail of currently taught proofs of evolution but treats the evolutionists’ views fairly. Open-minded readers would likely conclude that the evidence points to a Creator. Written in an understandable fashion, creation speaker, Dr. Carl Weiland, had this to say:

“Of the many books in the creation/evolution debate I’ve seen over the decades, this one is in a class of its own. Author Dominic Statham is uniquely skilled at presenting the facts and fascination of science in a way that is both crystal clear and enjoyable, yet without ‘dumbing down’. Middle-school students and above – and perhaps particularly their parents and teachers―will find The Wonder of Science super-helpful, as well as highly informative, with ‘digging deeper’ sections for higher ages and abilities. The author’s calm, non-argumentative style encourages and equips readers to dispassionately weigh up the evidence on origins from opposing viewpoints. It makes clear why biblical Christianity and its creation corollary are foundational to modern science itself. In short – just brilliant!”

This just may be the book you have been waiting for.

Additional information

Weight 1.375 lbs


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