“So—to recap: Lucy is based on hundreds of bone pieces glued together to make a fragmented skeleton with about 20% of her bones. She was pulled out of 20 tons of sifted dirt over a 160-foot area. She was the size and weight of a chimp or bonobo, had a brain the size of a chimp, and inner ears for balancing like a chimp—not walking like humans. And somehow—after she’s paraded around in museums and school textbooks for 20 years—they find out that she has a vertebra of an extinct baboon and locking wrists like other apes. Today scientists are still arguing about basic things—like even her gender, publishing articles like “Lucy or Lucifer?[xlv] and “Lucy or Brucey?”[xlvi]”
Read more details about Lucy here: https://genesisapologetics.com/lucy-2/
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/skeleton-bones-halloween-skull-4567486/ accessed 1/6/23.