Can Genetic Entropy (the conclusion that mutations cause a downhill trend that does not lead to evolution) stand up to critiques from experts?
“In reviewing the many attempted rebuttals from these various evolutionist experts, a few general observations can be noted. First, it often takes a lot of ‘doing’ to get any straight or direct answers as to why they reject Genetic Entropy. Second, we rarely see any evidence that these detractors have actually read Dr. Sanford’s book (as many of their objections are dealt with in the book itself) or any of the papers that have come via Mendel’s Accountant. Third, it is clear they oppose any challenge to Darwinism in principle. They take it as their ‘Primary Axiom’ and consider it unassailable. Finally, it is impossible to miss the fact that, even among the experts, there is no consensus as to why Genetic Entropy is supposed to be wrong. If you ask ten experts why they reject it, you’ll likely get ten different answers, often that contradict one another. This really is a huge ‘Achilles’ heel’ for evolutionary theory! Real science disproves Darwinian speculations. Attempts to show God’s design is not needed to explain the diversity of life on our planet all fall short.”
Read extensive detail here:
Picture from: accessed 1/6/23.