Either there was an uncreated Creator (Supernatural views) or uncreated stuff (Naturalism’s view).
“The narratives all have one thing in common—they begin with something, somewhere, that has no beginning.
If you commit to naturalism, you need to be able to take it all the way back to the ‘first cause’ in order to fill the ‘first cause’ gap. You need to find a narrative that brings life into existence, and before that the universe; and that explains why these things happened based on whatever mindless thing preceded them. You need to be able to describe and predict these events within an infinite time-frame with a single set of rules that are either unchanging or change for a specific mindless reason. Then you need to dismiss the apparent purpose, beauty, and morality of the result as coincidences. Unless the naturalist narrative can do all of that, it is unable to fill the same gap that theism does. Given that, it’s amazing that most scientists feel theism lacks evidence and has the higher burden of proof.”
Read more about this here: https://creation.com/science-of-the-gaps