Creation Seminar – Marysville, KS

Posted by on Aug 3, 2018 in | 0 comments

August 5, 2018 @ 10:30 am – 3:00 pm
The Crossing
1164 Pony Express Hwy
Marysville, KS 66508
Richard Mullen

We want to help you and your friends to be strengthened in your faith and to find answers from God’s Word confirmed by the Scientific Evidences!


10:30 – Astronomy: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!

In this presentation, you will learn how the wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions that don’t fit the observations. We will consider questions like: Was there really a Big Bang? How do stars, planets, and moons form?


2:00 – Evidence from Geology, Biology, and Anthropology

Many believe that evolution is basically a proven fact. We will explore each of the major scientific disciplines – Geology, Biology, and Anthropology. We will see major problems for the evolutionary/naturalistic perspective in not just one of those disciplines but in all of them. In doing this, we will show how a Biblical Creation viewpoint has more logical and solid answers to these topics. Topics include: Rock Layers, Fossils, Missing Links, Irreducible Complexity, Legends of a Global Flood, and Legends of Babel.


Bring Your Family and Friends!

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